Grass Valley Softball Blog
Date Saturday, May 15, 2017
Author Gerald Martin Davenport
Reading Time 5 minutes
Fun family night at the ball field with ladies and gentlemen
A message from the Coed President
As the Coed President, I sent out a blanket email to all managers about the excessive use of bad language and alcohol by some players. Instead of pointing them out and making it worse, I allowed them to police themselves — which is the manager's job — and I am thankful, appreciative, and proud that we have people in this league that took responsibility to realize that having fun can be done without having to rely on vices.
Greetings - hope all is well with everyone and so happy to be finally playing!!!
This is a friendly reminder about the alcohol policy for the fields and players.
Managers: Please pass this along to your players. As the manager, you are responsible for their actions.
There is, and should not be any alcohol anywhere on the Litton field premises - ever. Our contract with the owners of the field says that if there is any sign of alcohol being consumed, or left, at the field... WE WILL LOSE OUR PREVILEDGE TO PLAY ON THE FIELD... (I know you do not want to be that person, or team, that affects hundreds of players ability to play. And how would you feel if someone else did it? A little upset.)
We will be forced to find another field for all games played, not just Coed but Men's, or have fewer teams to accommodate the fields we can use.
So please, for everyone's sake, at Litton there is NO alcohol!
Also, for those that feel they must drink to have a good time, please be responsible when driving, and DO NOT SHOW UP AT THE PARK intoxicated to where you are a danger to others and yourself.
Have respect for the game and the safety of others. You will be ejected from the game, and if it persists, you will be banned from playing in the league.
We understand players may get upset with themselves or teammates because they make an error, or what have you, but remember there are families attending the games.
Also, when a curse word is spoken the UMPIRE'S ears perk up and wonder:
· Was it directed toward/at the umpire?
The umpires can take all the ridicule you can hand out, but when a curse word gets thrown in, that player will be ejected.
· Was it directed at a player on the other team?
We do not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct. Fun digging and respectful trash talk are okay, within reason, but keep it clean and fun.
Do not take anyone seriously.
· Was it directed at a player from the same team?
Read #2. Fighting, arguing, or any kind of disruption to the game are not tolerated between/toward anyone on or off the field, this includes your own teammates.
REMEMBER this is a Recreational League, keep your composure, respect the game, respect each other, play hard, and have fun.
Keep the bad language under your breath, or best case never uttered. There is way too much of it flying around on Wednesday and Friday nights at Litton.
MANAGERS, Please inform your players thusly. Players will be tossed from the game.
Ball players play with sportsmanship, dignity, and class.
The email did what it was suppose to do; it created a buzz. I had many managers email me what happened? Who was it? And I just told them, I am trying to make the games safer, cleaner, and more fun for everyone involved. A few teams were talking about it in the dugouts and told me an email came from the league office. I said, “Yea, it came from me. I am the coed president.” They all looked startled and scared.
The games played on Wednesday and Friday were so pleasant, I went home with less stress than normal. I thank you all for respecting the game, all players, and yourself.
I pray everyone can keep their composure and understand it is a RECREATIONAL LEAGUE, for fun, and exercise. If you feel you are better and want more competition, please take the attitude, arrogance, and disrespect elsewhere. Everyone has skills, talents, and abilities; some may have more or different ones, but that is no need to belittle anyone just to make yourself feel higher.
As an umpire I am honored to watch everyone go out there and try their best to have fun and make a difference for their team, and themselves.