Grass Valley Softball Blog
Date Saturday, September 1, 2017
Author Gerald Martin Davenport
Reading Time 2 minutes
Team has to forfeit rest of the season
Summer Family Activities and Back to School
I know what it is like having a family and trying to plan and schedule Family-Time together during the summer while still maintaining your independence of doing activities with your friends, or spouse, girlfriend, or yourself; it is not easy.
We all look forward to the summer: the hot sun, longer days, holiday time, water, outdoor activities, and softball for us local Nevada County peeps that love playing, watching, or umpiring it.
There are those that love softball but have difficulty justifying their time playing it when they have home improvement projects to do, family time, or farming as the case is with Mountain Bounty Mellon Ballers and Super Rain. Both teams played during the Spring Season but cannot play during the summer as they are too busy and extremely exhausted at the end of the day.
Bad News Beers had to forfeit the rest of the season. A team that has fun on Friday nights with their 19+ players on the roster, yellow jerseys, beer-logoed hats, and beer-labeled socks. Four of their players went back to school, and most of them are attending Friday Night Football.
I am sad about this because if I did have a favorite team, as an umpire I cannot, but if I could — and I do, it would be them. Okay maybe because of the players and their sportsmanship and personalities. All TOP-NOTCH! I am going to miss seeing them and making my night with a smile, hugs, and laughter.
Kevin, Barry, Brian, Mike, Cary, Melissa, Brian, Nick, Lilly, Cayleb, Jen, Dee Dee, Kaila, Stephanie, Brandi, Jodi, Tanya, and more you will be missed. Have a great rest of the summer, and I hope to see you for the 2018 Spring season.
Thank You for allowing me to have a front row seat to watch you have fun, play ball, and see some exciting plays and watch you grow as a player, a team, and a softball community! - gerald martin davenport - WNCSSA Coed President
Remember: Lights on for safety.